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Why a White Smile isn’t Always a Healthy Smile

January 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 2:24 pm
Someone with a white smile

The main thing that makes seeing a dentist worthwhile is the expertise that they can share with you, affording you a brand new perspective on the state or your oral health that may not be immediately apparent to you.

For example, people often assume that a white smile is a healthy smile, and think that if their teeth are a decent color it’s a sign that you don’t need to go to the dentist. However, you may want to rethink that assumption; here’s why.

What Can White Teeth Hide?

Certainly, seriously discolored teeth can represent problems. If your teeth are completely gray, for example, it may be the case that the tooth has died or is severely infected. On the other hand, completely white teeth don’t necessarily indicate healthy teeth; there are other areas of the smile worth looking at, for example:

Gum Disease

There are of course conditions besides those that affect their teeth. Gum disease is an important example. It’s estimated that around 50% of adults in the U.S. have gum disease to some extent, and the disease only gets worse if its allowed to progress.

Interdental Cavities

A lot of the time, it’s possible to see large cavities if you look closely at your teeth, particularly those located at the center of the molars. However, it’s possible for tooth decay to flourish in places that you can’t see, like in between the teeth. These are called interdental cavities, and in many places it’s almost impossible to find them without an x-ray.

Bite Disorders

When dentists check you out for a routine exam, they do more than just look at the teeth and gums. They take a look at the overall alignment of your bite, making sure that the lower and upper jaw connect as they should. If they don’t, you could be due for chronic jaw pain down the line.

Why It’s Important to See a Dentist

As you might have gathered, many of these conditions are difficult to detect without the aid of a dentist. While some may cause enough discomfort to bring you into the dentist’s office anyway, this is usually after the conditions have progressed to a certain extent. If you want to catch them early, make treating them easier, and save yourself a lot of pain, making regular trips to the dentist for preventive care is a good idea.

About Our Practice

At North Jacksonville Complete Dentistry, we work hard to help patients understand everything that there is to know about their oral health, making it easy to take care of yourself well. We also take a comprehensive approach to oral healthcare, meaning that we tackle the oral health problems you’re facing as a whole, ensuring that you have excellent oral health from every angle.

If you have any questions about how you can get whiter teeth, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (904) 751-4958.

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