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Dental Implants — Jacksonville, FL

Permanently Rebuild Your Smile

It doesn’t matter how you came to have missing teeth—the important thing is that you have them replaced. Tooth loss results in jawbone degeneration, failing oral health, and even more missing teeth later on. The earlier you seek an effective solution, the better your chances of avoiding these side effects of tooth loss. Did you know the best replacements for one or more missing teeth are dental implants? Nothing else replaces the tooth’s root as well as the crown that sits on top.  Dr. Bradberry  and  Dr. Baxter  perform the entire procedure for dental implants—from initial implantation to final restoration—under one roof at North Jacksonville Complete Dentistry. Give us a call today to schedule your consultation and learn how we can help you permanently rebuild your smile!

Why Choose North Jacksonville Complete Dentistry For Dental Implants?

  • #1 All-Inclusive Implant Care: Placement & Restoration Under 1 Roof
  • #2 High Quality Materials Ensure Lifelike and Long-Lasting Results
  • #3 Replace Any Number of Missing Teeth for Decades to Come

What Are Dental Implants?

Digital illustration of a single tooth dental implant in Jacksonville being placed

A dental implant is a small, screw-shaped titanium post. It is designed to be placed underneath your gums and anchored into the jawbone, just like the roots of a natural tooth. On top of the dental implant post is a small connector piece called the abutment, which is then used to attach the final custom-made restoration. Depending on how many teeth you’re missing, this could be a dental crown, bridge, partial, or full denture. Dental implants are the only treatment that rebuilds missing teeth from the roots up, providing results that look, feel, and function just like natural teeth!

The 4 Step Dental Implant Process

Patient holing model jaw and learning about dental implants in Jacksonville

Most dental offices must refer their patients to an outside specialist to have their implants placed, but at North Jacksonville Complete Dentistry, our team has the specialized training and experience required to perform the entire procedure from beginning to end right here in our office. This makes the implant process much more efficient and helps you save both time and money. Plus, patients can have peace of mind knowing that they’ll be able to work with the same dentist and team they trust from beginning to end.

While every patient’s dental implant journey looks slightly different, here are the main steps you can expect to take as you complete your smile:

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

Dentist and patient engaged in friendly conversation

One of our highly trained dentists will determine whether you are a candidate for dental implants and start designing your treatment plan. This appointment may involve an in-depth conversation about your health history and goals for treatment. We may also use advanced imaging equipment so we can understand the state of your jawbone.

Feel free to ask questions about the treatment process, the cost of your care, or anything else that is weighing on your mind. We want all of our patients to be well-informed before they commit to anything, especially a procedure as time-intensive and life-changing as dental implants.

Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implant, abutment, and crown between natural teeth

After any necessary preparatory procedures (some patients require a bone graft or gum disease therapy), you will receive your dental implants. During this minimally invasive surgery, your implants will be placed at precise, pre-planned positions in your jawbone. We perform this procedure in-house and always make extra efforts to ensure the comfort of our patients.

The procedure itself is pretty straightforward. After any local anesthesia and sedation are in effect, we create incisions in the gums, carefully insert the implants, and close the incisions. Then, you can begin your healing period. Most patients are able to return to work within a few days of their surgery.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment Placement

Illustration of two dental implants in jawbone

Osseointegration is the term that describes the biological process that takes place after the insertion of dental implants. Your bone tissue will grow around your implants and bond with them, forming a strong and long-lasting bond. Osseointegration is what allows the implants to serve as a sturdy base for your new teeth.

After osseointegration, you may need to undergo a second minor surgery, wherein we will expose your dental implants and place small attachments, called abutments, on them. (This second surgery is not always necessary because, in some cases, abutments are placed during the initial procedure.)

Delivery of Dental Implant Restorations

Portrait of smiling, mature woman

The final step in the dental implant process involves the design and placement of your beautiful new crown, bridge, or denture. We will take impressions of your mouth, carefully select the color, size, and shape for your new teeth, and send that information to a dental lab.

After the lab fabricates your restoration, we will verify that it meets our high standards before we attach it to your implants. Then, we will give you some tips on how to care for it before you go and start enjoying the many benefits of your restored smile!

Benefits of Dental Implants


With more than half a million dental implants being placed each year, this solution is rapidly becoming the preferred tooth replacement for patients and dentists alike. By recreating the hidden roots of missing teeth in addition to the visible crowns, dental implants provide a vast array of unique benefits that you simply can’t get with traditional dental bridges or dentures. As you’ll discover below, dental implants have the ability to improve your self-confidence, your health, and your overall quality of life.

Day-to-Day/ Lifestyle Benefits

woman holding a white coffee mug

  • Unmatched Stability: Instead of sitting on top of the gums, implants are firmly rooted in the jawbone. This means that you won’t need to worry about your teeth slipping out of place.
  • Eat All Your Favorite Foods: You’ll be able to enjoy nearly all of the chewing power that you had with your original pearly whites, so you won’t have to restrict your diet as denture wearers often do.
  • Beautiful, Lifelike Results: The crowns, bridges, or dentures that we place on top of your implants are custom-made to fit right in with your smile, ensuring they blend in seamlessly.
  • Easy Daily Care: When it comes to daily hygiene, caring for dental implants is quite similar to caring for natural teeth. You don’t need to worry about taking out your prosthetic teeth and scrubbing or soaking them; instead, you can brush and floss your implant restorations as if they were the teeth you’d been born with.

Health Benefits

senior man and woman doing stretches

  • No-More Denture Sores: Loose, poorly fitting dentures may slide around in the mouth, causing gum sores and irritation. Since dental implants remain in place at all times, they won’t agitate your gum tissue.
  • Completely Self-Sustaining: To provide enough support for a dental bridge, we’d need to remove some enamel from two of your remaining teeth. This can leave those teeth weaker and more susceptible to sensitivity, breakage, and decay. Luckily, dental implants are self-reliant and don’t require us to modify any of your healthy tooth structure.
  • Improved Oral Health: Because implants are so easy to maintain, they naturally reduce the risk of gum disease and other common oral health problems.
  • Eat a Healthier Diet: Dentures make it difficult to chew many nutritious foods, such as raw fruits and vegetables. With the chewing strength that implants provide, it should be a snap to get plenty of healthy foods into your diet.
  • Prevent Jawbone Loss & Facial Sagging: After a tooth has gone missing, the jawbone in the area starts to shrink and change shape, which can make the remaining teeth less stable over time. Implants are the only treatment that can stop and even reverse this process.

Long-Term Benefits

smiling man in the dental chair

  • Keep Your Healthy, Youthful Appearance: Jawbone deterioration as a result of tooth loss can make your face appear sunken-in, wrinkled, and overall, much older than you really are. By preventing this from occurring, dental implants help you keep your youthful glow for many years to come.
  • Long-Term Reliability: With consistent oral hygiene and routine dental checkups, an implant can easily be expected to last for 30 years or more.
  • Save Thousands of Dollars: Although implants have a higher up-front price tag than dentures and bridges, they won’t need to be replaced as often. Therefore, they can actually  save  you much more money in the long run.

Who Dental Implants Can Help


We usually recommend that patients opt for implant-supported tooth replacement if their oral and overall health allows for it. That is because we firmly believe that dental implants are the gold standard of tooth replacement. Fortunately, this revolutionary treatment can be used to replace any number of missing teeth anywhere in the mouth. Single missing teeth are often replaced with implant crowns. If your missing teeth are adjacent to one another, it’s likely that an implant bridge is the right treatment for you. If your tooth loss has occurred at various places throughout your mouth, an implant partial denture may be the better solution. Complete tooth loss can be overcome with implant dentures. To see if dental implants are right for you, come see us for a consultation!

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

If you are missing one tooth or multiple teeth, implants could be a perfect way to replace them. The only way to truly know if you are a candidate is to come in for a brief exam. At North Jacksonville Complete Dentistry, we offer a free dental implant consultation . At this appointment, we will generally take an X-ray, evaluate your jawbone, and take a medical history. If an implant is in your best interest, we can discuss one of the following restorative options:

Missing 1 Tooth

Digital illustration of a single tooth dental implant in Jacksonville being placed

When patients need to replace one tooth, we offer two main restoration options – traditional fixed bridges and implant-supported dental crowns. A fixed bridge is a traditional tooth replacement prosthetic that is anchored to surrounding teeth for support.

An implant bridge has a structure that is similar to that of a traditional bridge. However, instead of relying on the remaining natural teeth for support, an implant bridge gains all of its strength from small titanium posts that are inserted beneath the gum line. This type of restoration tends to be even sturdier than its traditional counterpart. Also, it does not require that any of the remaining natural teeth be modified, which helps you to retain as much healthy dentition as possible.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Digital illustration of an implant bridge replacing multiple missing teeth in Jacksonville

If you’re missing multiple teeth, you likely face a number of daily challenges, such as reduced confidence and difficulty enjoying all your favorite foods. You’re also at an increased risk of serious oral health problems, including dental drift and further tooth loss. In the past, your treatment options would have been limited to traditional bridges and removable partial dentures. Thanks to dental implants, these restorations can now have a firm foundation in your jawbone for unmatched results!

A partial denture replaces multiple teeth throughout an arch, even if those teeth are not adjacent to one another. It is sort of like a puzzle piece that fits in exactly where it is needed. A traditional partial denture relies on small metal attachments to remain secure in the mouth. However, an implant-supported partial denture, on the other hand, attaches to dental implants and offers superior comfort, strength, and stability.

Missing All Teeth

Many patients don’t realize that even full dentures can also be supported by dental implants. This style of restoration is often more cost-effective because we can anchor a custom-made prosthetic over a small number of strategically angled implants instead of replacing each lost tooth with its own individual post. Implant dentures can even be permanently fixed in place or left removable if the patient is already used to the ease of a traditional denture.

Learn More About Full Mouth Replacement

Learn More About Implant Dentures

Learn More About All-On-4 Dental Implants

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants


Does the idea of getting dental implants in Jacksonville appeal to you, but you are concerned about their cost? You are far from alone. It is widely known that they have a higher upfront cost than traditional tooth replacement options. However, you should not let that deter you from getting them. They may be much more affordable than you believe. Plus, the many benefits they offer make them an outstanding monetary value. Read on or give us a call to learn more about how much you can expect to pay for dental implants.

The Factors of Dental Implant Cost

Closeup of Jacksonville implant dentist discussing treatment with patient

Because every patient is unique, every dental implant case is unique — and comes with a unique cost. Several factors will affect what you owe, including whether you need any supplementary procedures, how many teeth need to be replaced, the specific techniques used during your implant placement surgery, and more. During your consultation,  your dentist in Jacksonville  will recommend a treatment plan for you, and then you will have a better idea of how much your restored smile may cost.

The Cost of Each Stage of Dental Implant Treatment

Closeup of dentist helping patient prepare for dental implant surgery in Jacksonville

Dental implant treatment occurs in several stages, each of which has its own cost. Therefore, you will not have to worry about paying for the entirety of your new smile upfront. You will have time between the stages to plan your budget. We will clearly explain the fees associated with each step in your implant journey, 

Are Dental Implants Worth the Investment?

White piggy bank with dollars sticking out of it

In a word, yes! Dental implants are worth the investment. Because they last for decades, they may offer a better monetary value than alternative treatments, which may need to be replaced every few years. For example, traditional dentures tend to last for only 5 – 7 years before replacement becomes necessary. Meanwhile, implant dentures have the potential to last a lifetime! Additionally, dental implants provide unparalleled function and aesthetics. They even stimulate the jawbone and help to keep it strong and whole. Other tooth replacement options do little to nothing to support bone health.

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

receptionist and patient discussing dental insurance coverage for dental implants

Some dental insurance companies cover dental implants, whereas others do not. Even if yours does not, it might cover the preparatory procedures or your final restoration. You will have to check the specifics of your policy to find out how it applies. Our team is happy to file claims on your behalf, and we are even in-network with several major insurance providers, including  Delta Dental , and   Cigna . Also, most patients are eligible for low-interest financing through CareCredit, which offers a number of flexible plans.

Are you ready to learn more about dental implants and how you may be able to fit them into your budget? The team at North Jacksonville Complete Dentistry is ready to help! 

Maintaining & Caring for Your Dental Implants

woman smiling at her implant dentist in Jacksonville

Unlike regular dentures and bridges, dental implants are built to last for many years. As long as you take good care of them, they have more than a 95% chance of lasting for several decades to come. Luckily, dental implant maintenance doesn’t require anything complicated like taking out your prosthetic before bed and letting it soak overnight. In fact, dental implant care in Jacksonville is fairly simple; just follow these five easy steps!

Make Oral Hygiene a Priority

woman brushing her teeth

While the implants themselves are immune to cavities, bacteria could sneak into the gum tissue surrounding them. They could weaken the supportive structures and ultimately lead to implant failure.

To prevent bacterial buildup, brush your real and implant-supported teeth with a fluoridated toothpaste twice a day. Floss at least once daily (if you’re having trouble cleaning around the restoration, ask us about a water flosser or floss threader). Rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash every day could help eradicate bacteria in parts of your mouth that your toothbrush and floss can’t quite reach. This protects your smile from oral health issues that can potentially cause your dental implant to weaken and fail.

Eat a Healthy Diet

woman biting into a red apple

Treating yourself to the occasional candy bar or bag of potato chips shouldn’t be an issue, but remember that moderation is key. Harmful bacteria in the mouth feed on sugary and starchy particles that linger on the teeth, making it easier for them to cause cavities or gum infections that could jeopardize your implants. Make sure that your diet is rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, and dairy products. Vitamin C and calcium are particularly beneficial when you have dental implants in Jacksonville, as they promote healthy gums and bone, respectively.

Break Bad Habits

person breaking a cigarette in half

Do you smoke, chew on pen caps, or bite your fingernails when you’re stressed? Do you sometimes try to save time by opening packages with your teeth? These habits can all too easily spell disaster for your new pearly whites. You should never use your teeth as tools for anything other than chewing food; the extra force from these habits could lead to breakage. Smoking is one of the worst things you could do for your health, as it increases the risk of gum disease, oral cancer, and numerous other conditions. Ask your implant dentist in Jacksonville if you need help kicking bad oral habits.

Protect Your Dental Implants

man putting a red mouthguard over his teeth

Extreme physical injury to your implants could damage the tissues supporting them as well as the restoration. The implant itself might even become loose. To reduce your risk of physical trauma, you should:

  • Wear a nightguard if you grind your teeth . The pressure of frequent grinding places strain on your implants and natural teeth, increasing the chance of worn enamel or fractures.
  • Wear a mouthguard when you play sports . Even if your activity of choice is not a “high-contact” sport like football, you should still invest in one of our custom mouthguards to shield your smile from injury due to impact.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Carelessly slipping and falling could spell disaster for your smile. Being mindful of what’s around you when you’re walking can minimize the risk of serious smile injury.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

dentist smiling at the camera

Even if you have lost all of your original teeth, routine dental visits are still of the utmost importance. Not only will any of your remaining teeth be professionally cleaned and examined, but our dentists will also inspect your dental implants in North Jacksonville. If we catch any signs of damage or infection, we can often treat the problem before it can permanently damage your smile. In some cases, we may be able to simply remove your restoration to give your mouth the most thorough cleaning possible.

Dental Implants Post-Op Instructions

a patient checking their smile after getting dental implants

Our team can complete your entire dental implant procedure in the office, so you don’t have to struggle with driving across town for your treatment. Furthermore, this treatment has an incredibly high success rate, so you should be able to expect to enjoy your brand-new smile for decades to come. That said, this can only work if you implement the proper measures for preserving your results. Before and after your appointment, we’ll provide you with detailed guidelines on how to make your recovery smoother. Read on to learn our common dental implant post-op instructions to ensure proper healing and long-lasting pearly whites.

What to Do Directly After Dental Implant Surgery

a woman resting after undergoing dental implant surgery

Taking care of the blood clot that forms around your implant site will be extremely important for the success of your treatment after surgery. That’s why you’ll want to follow these common rules:

  • Avoid touching the implant site with your tongue or fingers
  • Do not drink with a straw, as the suction can ruin the clot
  • Refrain from using or smoking tobacco

Common Side Effects When Recovering from Dental Implant Placement

a man taking painkillers for dental implant post op instructions

Those who haven’t undergone oral surgery might not be aware of which symptoms are normal and which are cause for concern. In many situations, you might typically expect some swelling, intermittent bleeding, and common discomfort after the procedure, which should fade away after some time. If these symptoms worsen or persist, make sure to give us a call for help. In the meantime, here are several things to consider when managing the side effects:

  • Use a cold compress on the outside of your cheek to alleviate swelling
  • Apply gentle pressure with gauze or a clean washcloth for bleeding
  • Take over-the-counter/prescribed pain relievers to reduce discomfort or pain

Your Diet After Dental Implant Surgery

a bowl with flan for dental implant diet

You’ll need to stick with a soft-food diet right after surgery, as you won’t want to accidentally disturb the implant site. After you’ve recovered and your brand-new teeth have properly integrated with the jawbone, you can start to introduce other meals. We highly recommend keeping a diet consisting of foods like:

  • Pudding
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Yogurt
  • Applesauce
  • Ice cream

Post-Op Health & Oral Hygiene

a mature couple brushing their teeth together

Keeping your mouth clean during recovery will be crucial for preventing bacteria and infection from ruining your treatment. Be sure to practice these oral health tips:

  • Brush your teeth 24 hours after your surgery, but be careful around the implant site
  • Avoid rinsing with mouthwash containing alcohol, which can be uncomfortable
  • Rinse with salt water 2-3 times daily, especially after eating. Don’t spit out the water; let it pour from your mouth instead

What to Do After Your New Teeth Are Attached

a patient smiling after receiving her new dental restorations

After recovering properly, and your implants have successfully integrated with your jawbone, you’ll return to our office to receive your new crown, bridge, or denture. Your gums might feel some sensitivity afterward, but you can simply take pain medications to alleviate any discomfort. If you notice bleeding or swelling after your appointment, notify us immediately so we can fix the issue. If all is well, you’ll be free to enjoy your new bite and smile!

Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

Dental implants have an incredible success rate of over 95%! That being said, there is still a very small risk that one may experience dental implant failure. Fortunately, when caught early on, we may be able to address the issue and save your replacement tooth with dental implant salvage treatment. If you have any concerns regarding your dental implants, don’t hesitate to give us a call so we can help!

Learn More About Dental Implant Failure and Salvage

Dental Implant FAQs

abutment for dental implant

Dental implants are a big investment. It is natural to have several questions about the treatment before committing to it. We take the time to explain the process and address your concerns because we want you to feel confident in your decision. In the meant time, we have the answers to the most common dental implant FAQ’s in Jacksonville to help you make the right choice for your smile.


Can I Get Dental Implants If I Have Gum Disease?

If gum disease was the cause of your tooth loss, you may still be a candidate for dental implants; however, the infection cannot be active. As a result, you will need periodontal therapy to treat it before we can move forward with your placement surgery. You may also need additional procedures to repair the damaged caused by the infection, like bone grafting.


How Long Does It Take to Get Dental Implants?

It is no secret the dental implant process teeth takes longer than when using traditional methods, but it is time well spent. Your treatment is performed in multiple stages to ensure the long-term success of your new smile. Although the length of time needed varies depending on your individual treatment plan, the entire process usually takes about 3 to 6 months.


How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants have over a 95% 10-year success rate. They have the potential to last for several decades with the right aftercare, like maintaining your oral hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly. Although your dental implants should never need to be replaced, your restorations suffer daily wear and tear. On average, your restorations last 5 to 10 years.


Can I Use My Dental Insurance to Pay for Dental Implants?

Most dental insurances will not cover the entire cost of the treatment in full, but they may pay for certain aspects of it. Depending on your specific policy, your coverage can help to lower specific parts of your treatment, like the CT scan, anesthesia, or restorations. We work on your behalf with your insurance carrier to reduce the amount you need to pay out-of-pocket. We will take the time to discuss your payment options to cover any remaining balance to keep your new smile affordable.

If you have any questions about dental implants, do not hesitate to  contact our office .