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Can Dental Implants Be Affected by Teeth Whitening?

June 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 6:08 pm
young adult with a beautiful smile

Dental implants are one of the most popular methods of tooth replacement, especially among people who accept nothing from the best for their oral health. Simliarly, teeth whitening is an incredibly popular style of cosmetic dentistry for people who want to make a dramatic change to their teeth.

It’s no surprise then that many people who have dental implants are also interested in whitening their teeth. If that’s you, here’s a word of warning before you invest in whitening treatment.

Can Dental Implants Be Whitened?

In most cases, dental implants are constructed of a porcelain or otherwise ceramic crown attached to a titanium post. Porcelain is significantly less porous than your natural enamel, meaning that whitening solutions really aren’t effective on it. As a consequence, it isn’t possible to professionally whiten your dental implant—you would need to replace the restoration that sits on top of it.

The Benefits of Porcelain

It’s worth nothing, however, that porcelain being non-absorbent cuts both ways. While it won’t be able to soak up the whitening solution, it’s also much more resistant to stains than your natural enamel. If you’re someone who has previously made a habit out of regular teeth whitening, that is likely to be much less of a concern for your dental implants than it will be for your regular teeth.

What About My Other Teeth?

While dental implants can’t be whitened effectively, your other teeth still can. This works out fairly well, as typically the dental implant is a little bit whiter than other teeth due to its stain-resistant properties.

If you want your natural enamel to match your dental implant, you could always think ahead and whiten them before getting it. Then, whenever your smile starts to darken, you can go back for another whitening treatment so that they’ll match again.

And of course, the best thing to do is to ensure that your teeth don’t collect stains in the first place. Limit your consumption of dark drinks, or at the very least drink them with a straw to reduce their negative effects.

About Our Practice

At North Jacksonville Complete Dentistry, we aim to offer every patient that we see comprehensive dental care. That means that we do our best to handle just about any oral healthcare need you could possibly have, without the need for referrals or driving between dentist’s offices. We have three experienced dentists and a team of expert dental staff, meaning that you have plenty of people who can help you to get the care that you need.

If you have any questions about teeth whitening, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (904) 751-4958.

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